Physical Review E – June 2000
Volume 61, Issue 6


Gathered here for your convenience are articles that have been covered by a Viewpoint in Physics, selected as an Editors' Suggestion, featured as a story in Phys. Rev. Focus, or are of special interest for other reasons.


General methods of statistical physics

Synchronized traffic flow from a modified Lighthill-Whitman model
Paul Nelson
pp. R6052-R6055 [View PDF (59 kB)]
Simple deterministic self-organized critical system
Maria de Sousa Vieira
pp. R6056-R6059 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Multiscaling of energy correlations in the random-bond Potts model
Jesper Lykke Jacobsen
pp. R6060-R6062 [View PDF (39 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Universal algebraic relaxation of velocity and phase in pulled fronts generating periodic or chaotic states
Cornelis Storm, Willem Spruijt, Ute Ebert, and Wim van Saarloos
pp. R6063-R6066 [View PDF (140 kB)]

Classical fluids

Density expansion for particle-particle correlations in time-dependent physical clusters
Luis A. Pugnaloni and Fernando Vericat
pp. R6067-R6070 [View PDF (66 kB)]
Scaling theory of three-dimensional spinodal turbulence
V. M. Kendon
pp. R6071-R6074 [View PDF (56 kB)]
Large-scale coherent rotation and oscillation in turbulent thermal convection
X.-L. Qiu, S. H. Yao, and P. Tong
pp. R6075-R6078 [View PDF (59 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Generalizing the Debye-Hückel equation in terms of density functional integral
H. Frusawa and R. Hayakawa
pp. R6079-R6082 [View PDF (63 kB)]
Colloid–liquid-crystal composites: An unusual soft solid
S. P. Meeker, W. C. K. Poon, J. Crain, and E. M. Terentjev
pp. R6083-R6086 [View PDF (351 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Symmetric path integrals for stochastic equations with multiplicative noise
Peter Arnold
pp. 6099-6102 [View PDF (60 kB)]
See Also: Comment
Coherence and stochastic resonance in a two-state system
Benjamin Lindner and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
pp. 6103-6110 [View PDF (223 kB)]
Quantum tunneling fragmentation model
Borko D. Stošić, M. A. F. Gomes, and Sadhan K. Adhikari
pp. 6111-6119 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Dynamic fracture in a discrete model of a brittle elastic solid
Teresa Martín, Pep Español, Miguel A. Rubio, and Ignacio Zúñiga
pp. 6120-6131 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Random energy model at complex temperatures
D. B. Saakian
pp. 6132-6135 [View PDF (59 kB)]
Statistical characterization of random electrostatic potentials
M. Aldana, H. Larralde, and G. Martínez-Mekler
pp. 6136-6148 [View PDF (195 kB)]
Dynamic scaling in a ballistic deposition model for a binary system
Hassan F. El-Nashar and Hilda A. Cerdeira
pp. 6149-6155 [View PDF (437 kB)]
Excitations for lattice ferromagnetic classical spin systems at high temperature: Noneven single-spin distributions
Ricardo S. Schor and Michael O’Carroll
pp. 6156-6164 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Constrained systems and statistical distribution
Simone Melchionna
pp. 6165-6170 [View PDF (72 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Binary collision model for quantum Brownian motion
Stefan Tsonchev and Philip Pechukas
pp. 6171-6182 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Transport in two-dimensional scattering stochastic media: Simulations and models
O. Haran, D. Shvarts, and R. Thieberger
pp. 6183-6189 [View PDF (234 kB)]
Interfacial coarsening dynamics in epitaxial growth with slope selection
Dorel Moldovan and Leonardo Golubovic
pp. 6190-6214 [View PDF (2,135 kB)]
Experimental study of critical exponents of electrical conductivity in a two-dimensional continuum percolation system
A. Okazaki, K. Horibe, K. Maruyama, and S. Miyazima
pp. 6215-6218 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Dynamical decimation renormalization-group technique: Kinetic Gaussian model on nonbranching, branching, and multibranching Koch curves
Jian-Yang Zhu and Z. R. Yang
pp. 6219-6236 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Quantum phase transitions studied within the interacting boson model
Pavel Cejnar and Jan Jolie
pp. 6237-6247 [View PDF (310 kB)]
Continued fraction solution for the radiative transfer equation in three dimensions
Marián Boguñá, Josep M. Porrà, and Jaume Masoliver
pp. 6248-6254 [View PDF (103 kB)]
Thermodynamic properties of a solid exhibiting the energy spectrum given by the logistic map
E. M. F. Curado and M. A. Rego-Monteiro
pp. 6255-6260 [View PDF (183 kB)]
Learning strategies for the maximally stable diluted binary perceptron
D. Malzahn
pp. 6261-6269 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Thermodynamics of self-gravitating systems with softened potentials
Eduardo Follana and Victor Laliena
pp. 6270-6277 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Correlated random band matrices: Localization-delocalization transitions
Martin Janssen and Krystian Pracz
pp. 6278-6286 [View PDF (358 kB)]
Negative resistance and anomalous hysteresis in a collective molecular motor
J. Buceta, J. M. Parrondo, C. Van den Broeck, and F. J. de la Rubia
pp. 6287-6293 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Elastic moduli, dislocation core energy, and melting of hard disks in two dimensions
Surajit Sengupta, Peter Nielaba, and K. Binder
pp. 6294-6301 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Trapping by clusters of traps
Yu. A. Makhnovskii, A. M. Berezhkovskii, D.-Y. Yang, S.-Y. Sheu, and S. H. Lin
pp. 6302-6307 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Subdiffusive transport close to thermal equilibrium: From the Langevin equation to fractional diffusion
Ralf Metzler and Joseph Klafter
pp. 6308-6311 [View PDF (57 kB)]
Scaling of interfaces in brittle fracture and perfect plasticity
Eira T. Seppälä, Vilho I. Räisänen, and Mikko J. Alava
pp. 6312-6319 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Evaluation of the smallest nonvanishing eigenvalue of the Fokker-Planck equation for Brownian motion in a potential: The continued fraction approach
Yu. P. Kalmykov
pp. 6320-6329 [View PDF (132 kB)]
Critical behavior of a two-species reaction-diffusion problem
J. E. de Freitas, L. S. Lucena, L. R. da Silva, and H. J. Hilhorst
pp. 6330-6336 [View PDF (109 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Phase transition in the Takayasu model with desorption
Satya N. Majumdar, Supriya Krishnamurthy, and Mustansir Barma
pp. 6337-6343 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Long jumps in the strong-collision model
R. Ferrando, F. Montalenti, R. Spadacini, and G.E. Tommei
pp. 6344-6350 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of drifting particles
Eric Bringuier
pp. 6351-6358 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Current reversals in ratchets driven by trichotomous noise
Romi Mankin, Ain Ainsaar, and Eerik Reiter
pp. 6359-6367 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Long-time tracer diffusion of nonspherical Brownian particles
F. de J. Guevara-Rodríguez and M. Medina-Noyola
pp. 6368-6374 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Cooling-rate effects in a model of glasses
A. Lipowski and D. Johnston
pp. 6375-6382 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Potts fully frustrated model: Thermodynamics, percolation, and dynamics in two dimensions
Giancarlo Franzese
pp. 6383-6391 [View PDF (414 kB)]
Semiclassical approximation to the partition function of a particle in D dimensions
C. A. A. de Carvalho, R. M. Cavalcanti, E. S. Fraga, and S. E. Jorás
pp. 6392-6398 [View PDF (100 kB)]
Correlated molecular-field theory for Ising models
G. M. Wysin and J. Kaplan
pp. 6399-6403 [View PDF (61 kB)]
Critical behavior of the annihilating random walk of two species with exclusion in one dimension
Géza Ódor and Nóra Menyhárd
pp. 6404-6414 [View PDF (958 kB)]
Floquet exponents of underdamped Josephson ladders: A comparison with predictions of the discrete sine-Gordon equation
B. R. Trees and N. Hussain
pp. 6415-6425 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Effective field theory of the zero-temperature triangular-lattice antiferromagnet: A Monte Carlo study
Hui Yin, Bulbul Chakraborty, and Nicholas Gross
pp. 6426-6433 [View PDF (135 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Quantum algorithmic integrability: The metaphor of classical polygonal billiards
Giorgio Mantica
pp. 6434-6443 [View PDF (215 kB)]
Spectral properties of atoms in fields: A semiclassical analysis
P. N. Walker and T. S. Monteiro
pp. 6444-6447 [View PDF (78 kB)]
Spatiotemporal chaos and nonequilibrium transitions in a model excitable medium
Ashwin Pande and Rahul Pandit
pp. 6448-6460 [View PDF (733 kB)]
Dynamic algorithm for parameter estimation and its applications
Anil Maybhate and R. E. Amritkar
pp. 6461-6470 [View PDF (383 kB)]
Phase dynamics of nearly stationary patterns in activator-inhibitor systems
Aric Hagberg, Ehud Meron, and Thierry Passot
pp. 6471-6476 [View PDF (292 kB)]
Complete reduction of oscillators in resonance p:q
Antonio Elipe
pp. 6477-6484 [View PDF (428 kB)]
Detecting unstable periodic orbits from transient chaotic time series
Mukeshwar Dhamala, Ying-Cheng Lai, and Eric J. Kostelich
pp. 6485-6489 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Distribution of interspike times in noise-driven excitable systems
M. C. Eguia and G. B. Mindlin
pp. 6490-6499 [View PDF (282 kB)]
Amplification of near-resonant signals via stochastic resonance in a chaotic CO2 laser
V. N. Chizhevsky, R. Vilaseca, and R. Corbalán
pp. 6500-6505 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Chaos and fractals in geodesic motions around a nonrotating black hole with halos
Alessandro P. S. de Moura and Patricio S. Letelier
pp. 6506-6516 [View PDF (445 kB)]
Dynamic stabilization in the double-well Duffing oscillator
Sang-Yoon Kim and Youngtae Kim
pp. 6517-6520 [View PDF (66 kB)]
Quasiperiodicity and transition to chaos
Junzhong Yang
pp. 6521-6526 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Fredholm methods for billiard eigenfunctions in the coherent state representation
Fernando P. Simonotti and Marcos Saraceno
pp. 6527-6537 [View PDF (722 kB)]
Learning dynamics from nonstationary time series: Analysis of electroencephalograms
Dmitrii Gribkov and Valentina Gribkova
pp. 6538-6545 [View PDF (344 kB)]

Classical fluids

Theory of the lattice Boltzmann method: Dispersion, dissipation, isotropy, Galilean invariance, and stability
Pierre Lallemand and Li-Shi Luo
pp. 6546-6562 [View PDF (303 kB)]
Multiscale correlation functions in strong turbulence
Jahanshah Davoudi and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar
pp. 6563-6567 [View PDF (65 kB)]
Universality of probability distributions among two-dimensional turbulent flows
Norbert Schorghofer
pp. 6568-6571 [View PDF (75 kB)]
Energy spectra of steady two-dimensional turbulent flows
Norbert Schorghofer
pp. 6572-6577 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Effect of particle inertia on the viscous-convective subrange
Christopher A. Jeffery
pp. 6578-6585 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Persistence of small-scale anisotropies and anomalous scaling in a model of magnetohydrodynamics turbulence
N. V. Antonov, A. Lanotte, and A. Mazzino
pp. 6586-6605 [View PDF (251 kB)]
Structure and particle transport in second-order Stokes flow
Russell G. Keanini
pp. 6606-6620 [View PDF (290 kB)]
Structure and rheology of binary mixtures in shear flow
F. Corberi, G. Gonnella, and A. Lamura
pp. 6621-6631 [View PDF (295 kB)]
Viscous fingering in liquid crystals: Anisotropy and morphological transitions
R. Folch, J. Casademunt, and A. Hernández-Machado
pp. 6632-6638 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Transition radiation and the origin of sonoluminescence
Bjørn Jensen and Iver Brevik
pp. 6639-6643 [View PDF (65 kB)]
Numerical renormalization group of vortex aggregation in two-dimensional decaying turbulence: The role of three-body interactions
Clément Sire and Pierre-Henri Chavanis
pp. 6644-6653 [View PDF (300 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Exact banded patterns from a Doi-Marrucci-Greco model of nematic liquid crystal polymers
M. Gregory Forest, Qi Wang, and Hong Zhou
pp. 6655-6662 [View PDF (402 kB)]
Magnetic-field-induced periodic deformations in planar nematic layers
D. Krzyżański and G. Derfel
pp. 6663-6668 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Analysis of compression-induced chiral phase separation in Langmuir monolayers
Wei Zhao, Chen-Xu Wu, and Mitsumasa Iwamoto
pp. 6669-6673 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Behavior of frustrated phase in ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystalline mixtures
D. Pociecha, M. Glogarová, E. Gorecka, and J. Mieczkowski
pp. 6674-6677 [View PDF (65 kB)]
Complex nonlinear behavior in optically excited nematic liquid crystals
G. Demeter
pp. 6678-6688 [View PDF (216 kB)]
Kinetics of layer-thinning transitions in overheated smectic films
S. Pankratz, P. M. Johnson, A. Paulson, and C. C. Huang
pp. 6689-6695 [View PDF (601 kB)]
Model for the planar-homeotropic anchoring transition induced by trans-cis isomerization
G. Barbero and V. Popa-Nita
pp. 6696-6698 [View PDF (48 kB)]
Optically guided mode study of nematic liquid crystal alignment on a zero-order grating
B. T. Hallam and J. R. Sambles
pp. 6699-6704 [View PDF (273 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Phase-field modeling of eutectic growth
François Drolet, K. R. Elder, Martin Grant, and J. M. Kosterlitz
pp. 6705-6720 [View PDF (814 kB)]
Processes of microstructure coarsening at liquid phase sintering
L. Anestiev and L. Froyen
pp. 6721-6731 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Micromechanics of magnetorheological suspensions
Eric M. Furst and Alice P. Gast
pp. 6732-6739 [View PDF (344 kB)]
Binding of molecules to DNA and other semiflexible polymers
Haim Diamant and David Andelman
pp. 6740-6749 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Surface instability in windblown sand
Douglas A. Kurtze, Joseph A. Both, and Daniel C. Hong
pp. 6750-6758 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Nonhomogeneous textures and banded flow in a soft cubic phase under shear
E. Eiser, F. Molino, G. Porte, and O. Diat
pp. 6759-6764 [View PDF (1,043 kB)]
Avalanches at rough surfaces
G. C. Barker and Anita Mehta
pp. 6765-6772 [View PDF (1,059 kB)]
Morphological characterization of bicontinuous structures in polymer blends and microemulsions by the inverse-clipping method in the context of the clipped-random-wave model
Hiroshi Jinnai, Yukihiro Nishikawa, Sow-Hsin Chen, Satoshi Koizumi, and Takeji Hashimoto
pp. 6773-6780 [View PDF (202 kB)]
Colloidal aggregation with mobile impurities
A. AlSunaidi, M. Lach-hab, Estela Blaisten-Barojas, and Agustín E. González
pp. 6781-6788 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Probability distribution of the free energy of a directed polymer in a random medium
Éric Brunet and Bernard Derrida
pp. 6789-6801 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Geometric origin of mechanical properties of granular materials
Jean-Noël Roux
pp. 6802-6836 [View PDF (698 kB)]
Simulation of field-induced structural formation and transition in electromagnetorheological suspensions
Zuowei Wang, Haiping Fang, Zhifang Lin, and Luwei Zhou
pp. 6837-6844 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Solid-phase structures of the Dzugutov pair potential
J. Roth and A. R. Denton
pp. 6845-6857 [View PDF (267 kB)]
Multifractal behavior of linear polymers in disordered media
Anke Ordemann, Markus Porto, H. Eduardo Roman, Shlomo Havlin, and Armin Bunde
pp. 6858-6865 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Longer time kinetics of collapse transition of polymer-surfactant complexes at interfaces near to collapse temperatures
Peng Wei Zhu and Donald H. Napper
pp. 6866-6871 [View PDF (91 kB)]
Avoidance model for soft particles. II. Positional ordering of charged rods
Eric M. Kramer and Judith Herzfeld
pp. 6872-6878 [View PDF (92 kB)]
Molecular wall effects: Are conditions at a boundary “boundary conditions”?
Howard Brenner and Venkat Ganesan
pp. 6879-6897 [View PDF (199 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Cooperativity and spatial correlations near the glass transition: Computer simulation results for hard spheres and disks
B. Doliwa and A. Heuer
pp. 6898-6908 [View PDF (309 kB)]
Long-range density fluctuations in orthoterphenyl as studied by means of ultrasmall-angle x-ray scattering
A. Patkowski, Th. Thurn-Albrecht, E. Banachowicz, W. Steffen, P. Bösecke, T. Narayanan, and E. W. Fischer
pp. 6909-6913 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Compaction of rods: Relaxation and ordering in vibrated, anisotropic granular material
Fernando X. Villarruel, Benjamin E. Lauderdale, Daniel M. Mueth, and Heinrich M. Jaeger
pp. 6914-6921 [View PDF (297 kB)]
Surprisingly short-ranged interactions in highly charged colloidal suspensions
Richard V. Durand and Carl Franck
pp. 6922-6933 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Reorientational relaxation of a linear probe molecule in a simple glassy liquid
W. Götze, A. P. Singh, and Th. Voigtmann
pp. 6934-6949 [View PDF (343 kB)]
Development and geometry of isotropic and directional shrinkage-crack patterns
Kelly A. Shorlin, John R. de Bruyn, Malcolm Graham, and Stephen W. Morris
pp. 6950-6957 [View PDF (1,355 kB)]

Biological physics

Descriptive parameter for photon trajectories in a turbid medium
Amir H. Gandjbakhche and George H. Weiss
pp. 6958-6962 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Decay and slowing down of the multiquanta Davydov-like solitons in molecular chains
Zoran Ivić, Željko Pržulj, and Dragan Kostić
pp. 6963-6970 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Unsupervised learning of binary vectors: A Gaussian scenario
Mauro Copelli and Christian Van den Broeck
pp. 6971-6980 [View PDF (162 kB)]
Modeling study on the validity of a possibly simplified representation of proteins
Jun Wang and Wei Wang
pp. 6981-6986 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Physics of the rhythmic applause
Z. Néda, E. Ravasz, T. Vicsek, Y. Brechet, and A. L. Barabási
pp. 6987-6992 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Simultaneous measurements of mobility, dispersion, and orientation of DNA during steady-field gel electrophoresis coupling a fluorescence recovery after photobleaching apparatus with a fluorescence detected linear dichroism setup
B. Tinland, L. Meistermann, and G. Weill
pp. 6993-6998 [View PDF (101 kB)]

Plasma physics

Multiscale recursion in dense hydrogen plasmas
Stéphane Bagnier, Pierre Dallot, and Gilles Zérah
pp. 6999-7008 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Nonlinear magnetic electron tripolar vortices in streaming plasmas
J. Vranješ, G. Marić, and P. K. Shukla
pp. 7009-7013 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Simulations of a meter-long plasma wakefield accelerator
S. Lee, T. Katsouleas, R. Hemker, and W. B. Mori
pp. 7014-7021 [View PDF (919 kB)]
Stopping power of ions in a magnetized two-temperature plasma
H. B. Nersisyan, M. Walter, and G. Zwicknagel
pp. 7022-7033 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Frequency modulation of the ion-acoustic instability
H. Klostermann and Th. Pierre
pp. 7034-7038 [View PDF (252 kB)]

Physics of beams

Resonant diffraction radiation from an ultrarelativistic particle moving close to a tilted grating
A. P. Potylitsyn, P. V. Karataev, and G. A. Naumenko
pp. 7039-7045 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Equilibrium orbit analysis in a free-electron laser with a coaxial wiggler
B. Maraghechi, B. Farrokhi, J. E. Willett, and U.-H. Hwang
pp. 7046-7051 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Pulse propagation and optical-klystron free-electron-laser devices
G. Dattoli, L. Mezi, and L. Bucci
pp. 7052-7056 [View PDF (63 kB)]
Optimization of Smith-Purcell radiation at very high energies
Seth R. Trotz, J. H. Brownell, John E. Walsh, and George Doucas
pp. 7057-7064 [View PDF (184 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Solitons in spiral polymeric macromolecules
A. V. Savin and L. I. Manevitch
pp. 7065-7075 [View PDF (282 kB)]
Role of pump diffraction on the stability of localized structures in degenerate optical parametric oscillators
Víctor J. Sánchez-Morcillo and Kestutis Staliunas
pp. 7076-7080 [View PDF (240 kB)]
Analytical estimate of stochasticity thresholds in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and φ4 models
Antonio Ponno, Luigi Galgani, and Francesco Guerra
pp. 7081-7086 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Material equations for electromagnetism with toroidal polarizations
V. M. Dubovik, M. A. Martsenyuk, and Bijan Saha
pp. 7087-7097 [View PDF (142 kB)]
Canonical perturbative approach to nonlinear systems with application to optical waves in layered Kerr media
T. A. Laine and A. T. Friberg
pp. 7098-7109 [View PDF (152 kB)]
Transverse and longitudinal dynamics of nonlinear intramolecular excitations on multileg ladder lattices
Oleksiy O. Vakhnenko and Michael J. Velgakis
pp. 7110-7120 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Soliton interactions in perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equations
James A. Besley, Peter D. Miller, and Nail N. Akhmediev
pp. 7121-7133 [View PDF (253 kB)]
Orthogonality relation for a three-dimensional scattering electromagnetic field in a dispersive medium
Masahiro Agu and Jingbo Li
pp. 7134-7141 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Three-dimensional spinning solitons in the cubic-quintic nonlinear medium
D. Mihalache, D. Mazilu, L.-C. Crasovan, B. A. Malomed, and F. Lederer
pp. 7142-7145 [View PDF (172 kB)]

Computational physics

Navier-Stokes simulation with constraint forces: Finite-difference method for particle-laden flows and complex geometries
Kai Höfler and Stefan Schwarzer
pp. 7146-7160 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Concepts in computation of preequilibrium neutron emission from heavy ion reactions
P. K. Sarkar and Maitreyee Nandy
pp. 7161-7168 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Computational method for general multicenter electronic structure calculations
P. F. Batcho
pp. 7169-7183 [View PDF (602 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Cooperativity and resonances in periodically driven spin-boson systems
Feng Shuang, Chen Yang, Houyu Zhang, and YiJing Yan
pp. 7192-7195 [View PDF (236 kB)]
Detailed characterization of log-periodic oscillations for an aperiodic Ising model
R. F. S. Andrade
pp. 7196-7199 [View PDF (93 kB)]
Scaling transformation of random walk distributions in a lattice
Fernando A. Oliveira, Bernardo A. Mello, and Isaac M. Xavier, Jr.
pp. 7200-7203 [View PDF (65 kB)]
Short-time critical dynamics for the transverse Ising model
M. Santos
pp. 7204-7207 [View PDF (50 kB)]
Origin of quasiperiodic dynamics in excitable media
Ira B. Schwartz, Ioana Triandaf, Joseph M. Starobin, and Yuri B. Chernyak
pp. 7208-7211 [View PDF (69 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Phase transition in globally coupled Rössler oscillators
Hidetsugu Sakaguchi
pp. 7212-7214 [View PDF (56 kB)]
ac-driven phase-dependent directed diffusion
Oleg Yevtushenko, Sergej Flach, and Klaus Richter
pp. 7215-7218 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Controlling global stochasticity in the standard map
Ying Zhang and Yugui Yao
pp. 7219-7222 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Recovery of classically chaotic behavior in a noise-driven quantum system
V. Milner, D. A. Steck, W. H. Oskay, and M. G. Raizen
pp. 7223-7226 [View PDF (83 kB)]

Classical fluids

Transition from the Couette-Taylor system to the plane Couette system
Holger Faisst and Bruno Eckhardt
pp. 7227-7230 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Computer simulations of phase equilibrium for a fluid confined in a disordered porous structure
L. Sarkisov and P. A. Monson
pp. 7231-7234 [View PDF (50 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Coupling between molecular vibrations and liquid crystalline order parameters
M. Nöllmann and P. Etchegoin
pp. 7235-7238 [View PDF (55 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Phase transition of n-alkane layers adsorbed on mica
Nobuo Maeda, Mika M. Kohonen, and Hugo K. Christenson
pp. 7239-7242 [View PDF (59 kB)]

Biological physics

Spatial-temporal correlations in the process to self-organized criticality
C. B. Yang, X. Cai, and Z. M. Zhou
pp. 7243-7245 [View PDF (53 kB)]

Plasma physics

Effect of a dipole moment on the wake potential of a dust grain in a flowing plasma
Osamu Ishihara, S. V. Vladimirov, and N. F. Cramer
pp. 7246-7248 [View PDF (51 kB)]
Dust acoustic wave in a thermal dusty plasma
P. K. Shukla
pp. 7249-7251 [View PDF (46 kB)]

Physics of beams

Laser-driven electron cyclotron autoresonance accelerator with production of an optically chopped electron beam
J. L. Hirshfield and Changbiao Wang
pp. 7252-7255 [View PDF (73 kB)]



Erratum: Experimental observations of non-Gaussian behavior and stringlike cooperative dynamics in concentrated quasi-two-dimensional colloidal liquids [Phys. Rev. E 60, 5725 (1999)]
Andrew H. Marcus, Jeremy Schofield, and Stuart Rice
pp. 7260 [View PDF (10 kB)]
Erratum: Dependence on the scattering angle of the electron temperature and electron density in Thomson-scattering measurements on an atmospheric-pressure plasma jet [Phys. Rev. E 61, 1920 (2000)]
S. C. Snyder, D. M. Crawford, and J. R. Fincke
pp. 7261 [View PDF (13 kB)]